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Fiduciary Services

IFS assists plan sponsor fiduciaries (known as Investment Stewards) with fiduciary risk management strategies. Our ERISA Investment Fiduciary status enables us to help plan sponsors pursue high levels of fiduciary standards. Our strategies help plan sponsors reduce fiduciary liability through the effective use of investment committee training, plan governance, provider monitoring, and electronic document storage.


We stand firmly beside every employer we work with, serving as investment fiduciaries—a claim that many other retirement plan providers are unwilling or unable to make. As an investment fiduciary for every retirement plan we serve, we have the same incentives as you—to help you keep your plan in compliance with ever-evolving regulations, and to systematically monitor your plan’s investment options.


In addition to being able to act as a 3(21) or 3(38) Investment Fiduciary, we also provide a number of services, including:


  • Assisting in Preparation and Review of an Investment Policy Statement

  • Investment Recommendations

  • Investment Performance Monitoring

  • Recommendation of a Qualified Default Investment Alternative

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